Freshly Brewed Tea Profiles

Our tea essences and extracts provide an authentic flavor and aroma, which only hand-harvested tea leaves picked at the right time can deliver.

Our innovative extraction process captures volatile flavor components (essences) before soluble solids are extracted and concentrated using ‘flavor-friendly’ techniques. The result is a robust and natural flavor that delivers a freshly-picked taste.

We offer a variety of essences, extracts and concentrates in white, green and black tea varieties, as well as some common herbal profiles such as rooibos. Whatever your requirements, we have the handpicked solution for you.


Our product range

Black Tea – Asian, African, South American

Green Tea

White Tea

Roobios Tea

Explore Our Taste Solutions

We offer a full range of flavors, from homegrown to exotic, and subtle to impactful.


Dessert flavors, sweet browns, fruit flavors and more.

have a taste
Shape - sweet Sweet

Dairy & Plant-based

Taste modulators, dairy enhancers and indulgent profiles suitable for dairy and non-dairy products.

have a taste
dairy image Dairy & Plant-based


Lemon, lime, grapefruit and other citrus profiles inspired by our Italian heritage and history of extraction expertise.

have a taste
shape - cirus Citrus


Pure vanilla extracts and flavors ranging across designations from vanilla growing regions around the world.

have a taste
Shape vanilla Vanilla


Herbs, spices, taste modulators and meat flavors suitable for both meat and plant-based products.

have a taste
Shape svory Savory

Contact Us

Contact us for more information on our taste and market solutions.

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