
Citrus Taste Solutions for the food, beverage and nutrition market

Citrus Taste Solutions

Citrus flavors continue to be a firm favorite for new food and beverage launches as the refreshing, natural taste remains popular with consumers around the world.

Through our Italian heritage, we have more than 135 years of citrus extraction expertise and a wide range of flavors and extracts to customize a taste solution that’s perfect for your product needs.  

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Finding fresh ideas for citrus just got easier

Explore our Citrusology on-demand webinar series to learn more about the factors to consider when picking citrus flavor profiles for your product.



With a robust set of resources to support you at every stage, we’ll keep you one step ahead of the next technical challenge.


Our Expertise


With unique insights, technical expertise and creativity, our experts will help you meet the specific needs of your consumer.


Insights & Inspiration

Explore Our Taste Solutions

We offer a full range of flavors, from homegrown to exotic, and subtle to impactful.


Synergy Pure® water-based extracts, natural flavors, citrus extracts and more.

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Dessert flavors, sweet browns, fruit flavors and more.

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Dairy & Plant-based

Taste modulators, dairy enhancers and indulgent profiles suitable for dairy and non-dairy products.

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dairy image Dairy & Plant-based


Pure vanilla extracts and flavors ranging across designations from vanilla growing regions around the world.

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Shape vanilla Vanilla


Herbs, spices, taste modulators and meat flavors suitable for both meat and plant-based products.

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Contact Us

Contact us for more information on our taste and market solutions.

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